part 3

During the stretch of this course, I have had to learn relearn and even unlearn a lot of different skills in order to be successful. It was made clear that what I learned in high school was not only wrong but just not enough be a successful writer and even learner. I learned how to gain an interest in what I am doing to write more thoughtful essays.  After reading habits of the creative mind It has created some very different perspectives and has opened my mind up to new things that I could bring into the next semester. At first, I knew learning how to reread and write at the college level would be hard. One skill I would like to bring into the new semester is the skill of revision. All my writings could be a constant work in progress and will always could get better. When revising I can now see what I need to add or let go to make my writing more comprehensive to the reader. Another skill is what I learned about curiosity. I shouldn’t be afraid to ask questions and more importantly seek out answers for my questions. This skill helped me stay attentive and engaged in my reading and writing so that essays could be more creative and fuller of information. I will bring more time management next semester for my work. In our outcomes paper one of the templates is learning from my mistakes. I have learned to get better at not procrastinating my work and to try and not be distracted working.  In the beginning of the semester we talked in class about what could be done when focused. I quickly realized I have always chosen to work while distracted therefore never used my full mind when working. I tried it for the first time when doing one of my first drafts for the Pollan essay and I could not believe what I accomplished when just working focused. Next semester I will need to bring more intensity when focusing on all my work and figure out a better time management table to get things done in. I think that this class gave me a great reflection of where I was at as a writer but more importantly as a learner. English has helped me in more classes than just this and has helped me adapt to learning in college.  Next semester I look forward to putting all of what I learned in this course to better action.  

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