With the Pollan and Singer paper, I watched all my bad habits come into play. I started off the paper and wrote what I thought to be a good productive paper. The day before it was due, I went to my writing lab thinking it would be good to go and to present before my meeting. I was sadly mistaken. I found out I was struggling with paragraphing, introductions, and using voice markers. Megan and I ended up coming up with a plan for me to redo my entire essay and due to my poor planning skills, I was not able to finish all the draft by my final due date, but I learned how to seek constructive feedback and criticism that I learned was later in my rubric.  I found my largest area of growth from that paper was learning how to introduce others in my argument in order to prove my opinion. I learned from Pollan on his ability to add people into his conversation to get as many perspectives as possible before making a conclusion. I also learned that these conversations do not have to start with people being on opposite sides of things. In high school, when we were introduced with choices for an essay, we might have the option to agree or disagree with our reading. This gave me the perception that there were only two ways to go about my writing and I now understand that this didn’t give me a deeper way of thinking about my essays. I found improvement in learning that there isn’t always a right and wrong and that looking at writings as sort of black and white wasn’t going to benefit me in my future writings. In the question stem essay is where I found my most beneficial for me personally in all my classes. I learned the value of annotating and fully engaging myself in my readings while seeking questions about what I am curious about. I learned how to integrate that especially in my other classes such as my ENV 104 class because we are given a lot of reading to do. I learned how to keep myself engaged in these readings and annotating and when my annotations were questions seeking answers which led to me leading discussions when talking about the readings. Also, in that essay I feel like I learned to how help my classmates. When giving feedback I helped Kieran understand more of his essay while keeping him motivated and developing new strategies for him to accomplish his goals. In my meetings with Megan, we continued to get better at setting goals and figuring out ways to accomplish what I needed to do understand and accomplish the learning outcomes of this course. In the creative reading paper, I found my biggest growth in seeking more questions as well as including what I found out while seeking for answers in my essay. I also learned the benefits of learning to focus when doing my work and not being distracted from my phone or other things. When doing this, I found out that I could exceed the word counts in my papers while also doing it in the allotted time given. In all, I found this class to be the most beneficial to me and adjusting to college, it gave me the most criticism while forcing me to constantly reflect on my habits as well as giving me tools to be successful in every single class. I look forward to what I can do with my very refined learning skills as well as learning more about myself and learning next semester.  

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